Friday, November 16, 2007

I bit the bullet and asked a girl at work out. It feels good to not entirely be shot down, but she didn't exactly say yes.
She seemed flattered, and it sounds like eventually, I'll get the privilege of a date. However below was her verbatim reply:

"Rather bold…

First, I have to stop blushing…
Second, I have to do some stuff before I can think about that…bad timing…

I’ll let you know."

So that made me happy to basically NOT be told "no" but I think that was a solid "maybe" or "in some time"
We'll see what happens.
It doesn't take much to get me smiling.....have a good weekend folks.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

So I'm taking my brother out tonight.
Not sure where we'll go, but his Birthday is Monday, and I have my sons this weekend, so tonight is the only night I can do it.

Us two, out and about, sometimes ends up just a mess. A Drunken evening for sure, but even more so, I plan to take him where HE wants to go, for his Birthday of course.

That may in fact, lead us to a strip club.

My brother loves the strip clubs. Hell, he's dating a stripper, he got a stripper pregnant, and he's living with a stripper. (all the same woman, folks)

I just don't get it.

Don't get me wrong at all, I love nude women. Hell I enjoy clothed women. But something about the strip clubs never got me. Maybe it's just me, but it just never was appealing to me, to have some hot (or not) nude, young woman, dancing in front of me. Maybe it's the fact that you can't ever walk out of a place like that with the same $100.00 bux you had in your pocket. Maybe it's the objectification (is that even a word?) of the women. Maybe it's simply me. I want to touch, caress, and make tactile contact with my nude women.

Or maybe I'm just thinking that I don't like strip clubs.

Anyway, happy Thursday folks, someone come find me tonight.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Forcing myself to write, is my new therapy for lack of writing. I don't write. I don't. I never have. I've tried my various poems, scribbled down texts on paper (remember that?) and always, I have been jealous of writers. How the words flow, how I can see what they are describing, how they bring me into their world.
But I don't write.
So why, would a person that does not write, write? Why would someone that has zero writing skills, publish a blog?
Simple. I have so much to say.
So much in fact, that I wish there was an audio blog. I wish I could simply sit down in front of a mic and spew everything in my head, out there, publish it, and have you all hear.
But that has its own title doesn't it? I think they call it Radio, and I ain't no DJ.

So that's what I'm gonna do, write.

I'm going to do it whenever I can, and trust me, it's going to get boring, sad, funny, stupid, and 99% of you will want the time you spent reading this, back.

But you, that 1%.... thank you.